CHM 317H1 Advanced Instrumental Analysis

This page provides general enrolment instructions for students interested in taking CHM317. Please make sure you read this information – and the relevant course entries in the calendar and timetable – carefully before contacting the course instructor.

General Information:

Students interested in taking this course for credit should first consult the current calendar and timetable for information regarding course prerequisites, priority enrolment programs, and registration periods. All students should be aware that enrolment in this course is highly restricted due to the number of other courses run out of the same facility and the availability of suitable lab equipment.

Students who lack the required grade of 63% in CHM217, but are otherwise registered in a priority enrolment program, should apply through ACORN/ROSI during their assigned enrolment window. Prerequisite checks will be performed during the fall semester, and students contacted on an individual basis as needed.

If the course is already full, students should check periodically throughout the Fall semester, especially around December. A number of students change plans before the start of labs in January.

If you are in a priority program but getting a message that you are not eligible for the course, then either your program has not been approved yet (please check your application status) or you are trying to enrol outside the window for your year of study (please check the registration instructions linked from the Faculty timetable)

Students who are not in a priority enrolment program must wait until the start of the open enrolment period in August. Enrolment is on a first-come, first-served basis. Note that the Chemistry department is no longer operating an internal holding list.

Lab Section Changes and Demo Group:

Anyone wishing to change lab section should contact the lab coordinator before the Christmas break, as labs start in the second week of classes! Lab partners will be assigned in December and the information published through the U of T portal during the December examinations period.

Your first lab experiment can be determined from your assigned demo group number by consulting the laboratory timetable.